The American Academy of pediatrics says that more than 50 million Americans have a disability - 18% of our population. At least 6 million children have some form of disability, ranging from learning disorders to severe mental & physical special needs. The number has increased by about 20% in the last decade as survival rates have risen for premature babies & for infants with disorders that were once usually fatal.
GameTime’s unique ADA accessible playground components help children of all abilities play inclusively, while offering developmental benefits and lots of fun. GameTime believes that accessible playgrounds should offer inclusion, not just accessibility, so all kids can play together no matter where they are on the playground.
GameTime’s revolutionary Wide Ramp which allows kids in a wheelchair or mobility devices the opportunity to race alongside their more typically developing peers, or pass each other without having to interrupt their play behaviors! It’s just one more way that GameTime is taking the accessible playground to the next level!
Allow children to experience the fun of rocking back and forth on GameTime's Rock-N-Raft.
Reinforced by their role of taking into account ADAAG guidelines, and simultaneously looking for new ways to bring inclusion and fun to the playground, GameTime is addressing more than simple "accessibility."